Enjoy these photos of our progress
The front porch is one of the nicest features, but was in need of serious work. The lower photo is after the ceiling was removed, revealing the open wall.
We bought cypress lumber, milled the tounge and grooves, and tried to reproduce an old porch floor. It has made a big difference!
The east side of the house was a challenge starting with the rotten sills in the bay. After they were replaced we tried different color combinations on this small section untill we found what we liked, then used these colors on the rest of the house. We started with the trim colors we found when we stripped the trim on the porch. Green and dark red on white, but we wanted to change the body color from white to an aproprate color for the age. After a few tries we came up with one we liked. Beechnut.
Below is the progress as we stripped and refinished the west side. The scaffold with a step ladder on top bareley reached the top, but it worked!
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