Nebel - Stine House |
History |
The Nebel-Stine house was built by Emil Nebel . Mr Nebel owned several businesses in the small town of High Hill, including a lumber yard, beekeeping supplies (at one time said to be the largest supplier west of the Mississippi river), builder,and vineyard. In 1890 to accomidate the needs of a growing family he built a new home on a corner lot a few lots west of the existing home. This home was built to showcase his building skills, and was the most impressive in town. After the Worlds Fair in St. Louis in 1904, he purchased several lots of salvage material, and built several new buildings in town. We think this was the time the addition containing the kitchen was added. The house stayed in the Nebel family until 1994 when because of advancing age and poor health Emil's daughter Vera decided to sell the family home and it's contents at auction. We were able to purchase the house at that auction and begin our journey into restoration. |
Located in the east-central area of Missouri, the city of High Hill and surrounding Montgomery Co. area are rich in history. The city was established in 1851 along the Boones Lick trail, blazed by Daniel Boone to access the salt licks in central Missouri. When the Wabash railroad came through town, a water stop was set up and rapid growth was seen. The area was active through the Civil War, divided between northern and southern sympathisers, and although neighboring towns were affected, High Hill was left intact, even though troops and raiders from both sides passed through. With the decline in rail travel, and the shift from rural to urban living, the town saw a downturn during the twentieth century, but being located on I-70, halfway between St. Louis and Columbia the future seems bright. |
The photo above is the only old picture we have found of our house. The house is barely visible in the background, but you can see Mr. and Mrs. Nebel in the foreground. Long gone are the trees, picket fence, and most noticable of all, the wooden boardwalk in the foreground. How cool! |